Friday, April 1, 2011

Interview readings from class this week.

The readings this week got me to thinking about the interview portion of our project. I'm actually going to have to make myself visible to the people at Planet Fitness and ask them questions. The readings really helped show me what questions I should ask and even different types of questions. I never thought of asking questions as being open or closed. I always just thought of them as well questions in general and just talking. Not only do we have to ask questions but also actively participate in the conversation and listen! This is something I struggle with because I have a really short attention span, so bringing this to my attention will help try to focus more because its important that I do. Paul Russ' project really showed a good example of how to hold a good interview and is what I want my interviews to be like. On a side note I was also interested on how people are surviving with AIDS which is what Paul wrote about.  And as for the last reading by Jennette Edwards was really interesting to read and how to get a history of someone orally. I am looking  forward to starting the interview portion of my project.

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