Friday, February 18, 2011

15 Minute Observation

For this blog I had to observe a place that wasn't my site so I can practice taking notes. So I chose to observe my work for 15 minutes during my break. The first 5 minutes every worker was pretty sad looking because my manager was still their telling them to do meaningless things just to keep them busy. But finally she left and everyones mood seemed to turn from angry and sad to happy and relieved. Everyone clearly does not like the manager. For the rest of my break I observed all the employees laughing with each other as well as the customers going through line. The mood completely changed just because one person left.  My work becomes a completely different place when the managers leave. As far as the background to the store and the background its located in Taunton and is the original store of the Trucchis chain. I mostly observed the two employees outside who were on carriage detail. They goofed off a lot but still did their job and helped people with their groceries and brought the carriages back into the store. Then some lady came out yelling at her children because they were running around in the parking lot and I myself couldn't help but laugh. Working in a grocery store you see parents and children all the time and this was no different. Her parenting skills weren't the best I've seen. Children tend not to respond well to you swearing at them. After watching the parking lot for a while I came inside to go clock back in and go to work.  I wrote all of my notes in my phone so they thought I was texting and told me to put my phone away.

Looking at what I noticed during this fifteen minute interval was really interesting. I never usually pay attention to what goes on at my work because I'm usually just keeping the time in my head until I can leave. But by doing this it really helped me see what I should be looking for during this project. Not only the scenery but the people's interactions as well. I am looking forward to see what goes on at my actual observation site and this helped me.

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